Horary and natal chart
In the case of horary astrology, it is good to keep a few things in mind. A horary chart is, therefore, a current picture of the sky that allows you to see many things in your life or someone else’s life. The number of topics or questions is de facto unlimited; analysis of marital, friendship, family and other relationships, financial topics such as paying back debts or settling inheritance, etc. Horary astrology does not always have to be used for prediction. This is a quality tool for self-judgment when a person is unsure or confused. The map can also be used as an advisory tool; for example, whether it is better to work or study or whether it is better to move or stay.
The natal chart represents a picture of the sky at the moment of birth. It can be said that this is the basic map of our life because it outlines the most important life experiences. It shows not only our character, but also our origin, relationship with parents, religious and educational institutions, friends and enemies, etc. Analyzing this kind of chart is a complex job because it can be viewed from multiple angles. Compared to the horary chart, the natal chart gives a higher perspective and is more comprehensive. Here we get to know ourselves, we better understand the traumas we have experienced, we understand which external forces positively or negatively influenced us, as well as the forces within us, which helped or hindered us.
If after reading everything you are still not sure, visit Capella’s English version on Instagram where examples from horary practice as well as other related topics are regularly published.