
What is the difference between horary and other branches of astrology?

The purpose of horary astrology is to quickly get into the essence of a current situation. Natal astrology, for example, cannot do this, or it would be better to say that it can, but it takes more time. Other branches of astrology nurture a different purpose, so election astrology serves to select the most favorable moment for some activity, karmic astrology is nothing but natal, only the horoscope is interpreted in a different way with the aim of analyzing karma, while mundane astrology “covers” the area of political and social topics, etc.

How accurate is horary astrology?

No one, not even me, can guarantee 100% accuracy when working with such a delicate matter as astrology. However, what I can say based on my experience is that it is correct in 70-80% of cases. When it is not, it is not really about astrology itself but about the interpreter who can make a mistake in the midst of fatigue or some other reason. As you know, the one who works is the one who makes mistakes, but nevertheless, with this type of astrology an enviable amount of quality information can be obtained.

I am a believer, and since the study of astrology is considered a sin, I am afraid to approach you. Is it justified?

It is true, unfortunately, that some people see astrology as a satanic activity. It is an understatement to say that it is usually about those who know nothing about it. Those who judge in their ignorance forget that it is a matter of spiritual discipline. Behind the observation of the sky stands a specific philosophy imbued with the idea of creation or manifestation of the divine. Astrologers have the most problems with stubborn atheists and religious fanatics. If you do not belong to any of these groups, your faith will not be shaken by contact with astrology, in fact it will be stronger.

Do you do live consultations?

I most often conduct consultations by phone, e-mail or Facebook chat, and I am one of the few who do it live. Time and place, by agreement.

What is the cost of the call?

An hour is €70. If you are interested in interpretation of the natal chart, the price is 200 euros. The birth chart is more expensive because it comes on ten plus pages of text, and in order for the work to be of the highest quality, it is necessary to invest a lot of effort and time.